PacMen Exercise
This program allows users to add PacMen to a webpage. The user can then start an animation in which each PacMan, with varying position and velocity, will move around the webpage, bouncing off the walls of the webpage.
How to Run
- Download the zip file in github and load index.html in a browser.
- Click “Add PacMan” to add additional PacMen to the screen, then click “Start Game” to begin the animation.
Roadmap of Future Improvements
- Changing Images: I plan to improve the code so that each PacMan opens and closes his mouth as he moves across the screen. When each PacMan changes directions on the side walls, I will make it so the image of PacMan also turns around.
- Styling: I plan to improve the styling of the buttons on the page, along with creating a background that matches the look and feel of the game PacMan.
License Information
Completed as an assignment for the MIT Professional Certificate in Coding: Full Stack Development with MERN.
See MIT license.